Radio shagfest live from west London
Stayed in Sat night and shagged and cuddled and shagged and cuddled and shagged and watched a film , and cuddled and shagged and slept and woke up and shagged etc . etc. etc .. !!! ...
How sweet
How much fukin sex ??
Ooo I like this , I like it a lot ...
On Sunday took little Mistress for Roast dinner , then came back to my place , and shagged !!
Little Mistress went off to a birthday party at the Vibe bar on Brick Lane .
I went to meet the band I'm going to Russia with at a wicked little party in West London , a certain London Radio station had hired a whole pub and installed a huge sound system !! , interesting ...
Had to do a radio interview , with my mate C about the record label we run , I hate doing interviews , I always clam up , but this one actually turned out ok I suppose ...
Then we all got completely fukin munted, Hoorah !!!!
Turn's out that if I do my job well in Russia ( which I will ) , that this band has some really cool gigs lined up for me .. Top !!!
Were talkin like 80,000 people in Hyde Park .. And a 40,000 people festival in the Isle of White ...
Fukin awesome !!! , fukin very awesome indeed !!
I'm not going to turn this into a picture blogg , but I won't miss the opportunity to show you what the view's like from behind the mixing desk at an 80,000 people gig , it fukin rock's big time .... It's sorta like having the wolds biggest HiFi , and your at the fukin controls .... There's not many jobs in the world that top that one !!
I'm a very , very lucky boy !!
Watch this space for the pics ....
I can't believe how much I drank last night , I met some really beautiful girls though , who just happen to be a part of the machine that runs this Band ... Sooo I've got them all summer long , woohoo !!
This is going to be a Summer to remember I'm thinking !!
Pick up my new Apple Powermac G5 tomorrow .. Fukin can't wait , you will be my new baby and I will love you like a daughter O silivery box of joy ...
Had a fucked up dream last night that I was having a fist fight with my dad , god rest his soul !!!
What the fuck was that about ??
I never fought with my dad , ever ???, well not by using hand to hand combat ..
Far too many fuked up dreams lately , I think I had better calm down a bit !!
Anyway a top weekend was had by all .
Benny scale of fukedness = 575
Listening too The white stripe's new album ( Get behind me Satan ) , It's a biggy , not really my cup of tea , but it's a definite biggy people ...
I'm going to chill and enjoy the rest of the bank holiday ..
Skin right up !!!