Radio shagfest live from west London
Soo that was a nice weekend , on Sat took Little Mistress out for dinner , it was hot , but not hot enough for a pic-nic , so we went for a walk down by the river in Richmond . Very nice , very normal !!
Stayed in Sat night and shagged and cuddled and shagged and cuddled and shagged and watched a film , and cuddled and shagged and slept and woke up and shagged etc . etc. etc .. !!! ...
How sweet
How much fukin sex ??
Ooo I like this , I like it a lot ...
On Sunday took little Mistress for Roast dinner , then came back to my place , and shagged !!
Little Mistress went off to a birthday party at the Vibe bar on Brick Lane .
I went to meet the band I'm going to Russia with at a wicked little party in West London , a certain London Radio station had hired a whole pub and installed a huge sound system !! , interesting ...
Had to do a radio interview , with my mate C about the record label we run , I hate doing interviews , I always clam up , but this one actually turned out ok I suppose ...
Then we all got completely fukin munted, Hoorah !!!!
Turn's out that if I do my job well in Russia ( which I will ) , that this band has some really cool gigs lined up for me .. Top !!!
Were talkin like 80,000 people in Hyde Park .. And a 40,000 people festival in the Isle of White ...
Fukin awesome !!! , fukin very awesome indeed !!
I'm not going to turn this into a picture blogg , but I won't miss the opportunity to show you what the view's like from behind the mixing desk at an 80,000 people gig , it fukin rock's big time .... It's sorta like having the wolds biggest HiFi , and your at the fukin controls .... There's not many jobs in the world that top that one !!
I'm a very , very lucky boy !!
Watch this space for the pics ....
I can't believe how much I drank last night , I met some really beautiful girls though , who just happen to be a part of the machine that runs this Band ... Sooo I've got them all summer long , woohoo !!
This is going to be a Summer to remember I'm thinking !!
Pick up my new Apple Powermac G5 tomorrow .. Fukin can't wait , you will be my new baby and I will love you like a daughter O silivery box of joy ...
Had a fucked up dream last night that I was having a fist fight with my dad , god rest his soul !!!
What the fuck was that about ??
I never fought with my dad , ever ???, well not by using hand to hand combat ..
Far too many fuked up dreams lately , I think I had better calm down a bit !!
Anyway a top weekend was had by all .
Benny scale of fukedness = 575
Listening too The white stripe's new album ( Get behind me Satan ) , It's a biggy , not really my cup of tea , but it's a definite biggy people ...
I'm going to chill and enjoy the rest of the bank holiday ..
Skin right up !!!
Stayed in Sat night and shagged and cuddled and shagged and cuddled and shagged and watched a film , and cuddled and shagged and slept and woke up and shagged etc . etc. etc .. !!! ...
How sweet
How much fukin sex ??
Ooo I like this , I like it a lot ...
On Sunday took little Mistress for Roast dinner , then came back to my place , and shagged !!
Little Mistress went off to a birthday party at the Vibe bar on Brick Lane .
I went to meet the band I'm going to Russia with at a wicked little party in West London , a certain London Radio station had hired a whole pub and installed a huge sound system !! , interesting ...
Had to do a radio interview , with my mate C about the record label we run , I hate doing interviews , I always clam up , but this one actually turned out ok I suppose ...
Then we all got completely fukin munted, Hoorah !!!!
Turn's out that if I do my job well in Russia ( which I will ) , that this band has some really cool gigs lined up for me .. Top !!!
Were talkin like 80,000 people in Hyde Park .. And a 40,000 people festival in the Isle of White ...
Fukin awesome !!! , fukin very awesome indeed !!
I'm not going to turn this into a picture blogg , but I won't miss the opportunity to show you what the view's like from behind the mixing desk at an 80,000 people gig , it fukin rock's big time .... It's sorta like having the wolds biggest HiFi , and your at the fukin controls .... There's not many jobs in the world that top that one !!
I'm a very , very lucky boy !!
Watch this space for the pics ....
I can't believe how much I drank last night , I met some really beautiful girls though , who just happen to be a part of the machine that runs this Band ... Sooo I've got them all summer long , woohoo !!
This is going to be a Summer to remember I'm thinking !!
Pick up my new Apple Powermac G5 tomorrow .. Fukin can't wait , you will be my new baby and I will love you like a daughter O silivery box of joy ...
Had a fucked up dream last night that I was having a fist fight with my dad , god rest his soul !!!
What the fuck was that about ??
I never fought with my dad , ever ???, well not by using hand to hand combat ..
Far too many fuked up dreams lately , I think I had better calm down a bit !!
Anyway a top weekend was had by all .
Benny scale of fukedness = 575
Listening too The white stripe's new album ( Get behind me Satan ) , It's a biggy , not really my cup of tea , but it's a definite biggy people ...
I'm going to chill and enjoy the rest of the bank holiday ..
Skin right up !!!

while i understand your need to anonymity, an urge to know who you are working with no doubt surfaces with every post.
80, 000 has me thinking Oasis levels, and nobody wants that.
Oasis , no fukin way kid !!
Sounds fun! Can I tag alone!? I can squeeze into your suitcase and Im way fun to hang out with! Come on...a girl can ask right!?
Hehe...great post. You shagging maniac.
PS- Did an interview once on TV and totally froze, so I know exactly what you mean! But I had a good hair day that day and dammit..thats all that matters!
haha, well im glad....if want a really dope band check out magneta lane, i discovered them last week, very fun if you like the modern rawk scene
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