Zapp Industries , earn money at the press of a button ?
Jeez , I was up till 4am this morning nursing a very sick Apple Mac , installed a new soundcard driver and Bamm !!! , she locked me out , talk about running around the houses , but today is invoicing day so it had to be done , all better now though .. I'm sure she knows there's a ( quiet , shhh !!! ) G5 on it's way , I'm not replacing you dear , you're just going in the kitchen ...
+ I have no fukin sugar for coffee , need coffee !!! ...
I got a call from Little Mistress last night , she'd been in hospital visiting a mate who got mugged in the West End , the bastard's had zapped him with one of those electric Taser gun thing's , then as he was on the floor they kicked the shit out of him , seemingly he's in a right state , face all smashed up etc. etc. Fukin crack head's , there everywhere ...
I mean who invent's a fukin thing like a Tazer gun ...
There's some nutjobs out there .....
What do you do, like wake up one morning and think , Oh ! I know I'll invent a gun that can paralyze a human being on demand , " but " , they say " It's for protection " , protection from who , other people with fukin Tazer guns ...
Fukin Tazer wars , The film !!!!!
It must have cost at least £300 to buy on the black market , and all to steal £20 from Little Mistress's mate , or do you see it as a long term investment ....
That's a lot of crack , you could kill yourself with that much , if you tried hard enough !!
I mean I do coke , but that shit just ain't funny ..
I know I've watched mates deteriate on it , one day successful BBC film producer , the next , gutter boy stealing TV to sell for drugs from his mum ( true story ) , fukin ouch !!!
No Crack , No Smack !!! , thats what I say ...
Yes alright I know , the pot has just called the kettle black !! ( it's a bit of a strange saying that one , Ummm .. ) , but they really are two different animal's ...
Off on a sugar hunt ...
I may blogg a story later on if I get all these invoices done !!!
+ I have no fukin sugar for coffee , need coffee !!! ...
I got a call from Little Mistress last night , she'd been in hospital visiting a mate who got mugged in the West End , the bastard's had zapped him with one of those electric Taser gun thing's , then as he was on the floor they kicked the shit out of him , seemingly he's in a right state , face all smashed up etc. etc. Fukin crack head's , there everywhere ...
I mean who invent's a fukin thing like a Tazer gun ...
There's some nutjobs out there .....
What do you do, like wake up one morning and think , Oh ! I know I'll invent a gun that can paralyze a human being on demand , " but " , they say " It's for protection " , protection from who , other people with fukin Tazer guns ...
Fukin Tazer wars , The film !!!!!
It must have cost at least £300 to buy on the black market , and all to steal £20 from Little Mistress's mate , or do you see it as a long term investment ....
That's a lot of crack , you could kill yourself with that much , if you tried hard enough !!
I mean I do coke , but that shit just ain't funny ..
I know I've watched mates deteriate on it , one day successful BBC film producer , the next , gutter boy stealing TV to sell for drugs from his mum ( true story ) , fukin ouch !!!
No Crack , No Smack !!! , thats what I say ...
Yes alright I know , the pot has just called the kettle black !! ( it's a bit of a strange saying that one , Ummm .. ) , but they really are two different animal's ...
Off on a sugar hunt ...
I may blogg a story later on if I get all these invoices done !!!

I used to have one of those Tazers....
And my ex girlfriend could take it surprisingly well...
The longest (probably half a second burst)
But I remember the first time I did it on myself....
I flew across the room!
They are exactly like those bollocksy slendertone abomination which essentially do the same thing.
Peace and Love
Notice the word's ex girlfriend mate , tee hee !!
Don't let Little Mistree see this , she'll be wanting one too !!!
Now that would be funny , the British police wandering the street fighting crime with a bunch of Slendertone's , Haaa Haaa Haaa ha , fall's off chair !!! , thinning out crime you could say , they could be sponsored by weight watcher's , Brake out the argo's catalogue lad's were going in !!!
Oh stop it , that's just too funny mate !!!
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