Fish eye, in the sky!!
The club was shit last night. For some reason everybody decided to stay in on this bank holiday weekend, so the place was absolutely threadbare. The night just dragged and dragged and for the first time in a long time I actually found myself clock watching?
Totally bored
as fuck!!
Ok, soo today my mate A is coming over and were gonna have a little jam in the house, I haven't had a guitar jam for ages, I was getting withdraw symptoms and A has agreed to come over and thrash it out with me... Woohoo!
A is a bad heavy metal player...Bad as a bad ass bad thing!!
Note to the neighbours: Sorry but tough ( the house is detached so I don't think they hear anything anyway, the landlady's away and Dave always sits in for the rush, so all good!!)
I've arranged to take beautiful blonde thing out either mid-week or next weekend, but I'm still deciding where to take her, I'm thinking about the London eye...I've never been on it and I think it might be a nice place for a date, then of course dinner and a pint after.. I'll keep you all posted, plus any suggestions for good date stuff to do in London would be appreciated: as long as it doesn't involve clubs or drugs or live music...thanks!!
Funny: I was buying some fish yesterday at the fishmongers and there was this cheeky little kid ( about 8 yrs) who was going round the fish on display and systematically poking all their eyes out with his finger. It sounds bad, but it was sooo fukin funny, he'd like, look around to see if anyone was looking and when he thought they weren't, he walk up to a (dead) fish and go ping!! and poke his fingers in it's eye then run away.. Cute as!!
Ok, I need to take a shower before A gets here.
Oh no!! Wayne Rooney's just been stretchered of the pitch in the Man U vs Chelsea game??
That'll help our World cup chances...Not!!
Oh fuck!!