Oh dear, I've been tagged by the Lord of Doom, guess I'd better do it!!
Bit gay this one , I guess it does no harm,sooooo here goes!!
6. Deodorant/Anti-perspirant?
Slap moisteriser (Eng) on when your still wet and I never ever towel dry, coz your just removing your natural oils ain't you...
Can I go now please, I feel sooo fukin gay after that!!
Bit gay this one , I guess it does no harm,sooooo here goes!!
1. Body soap?
Non (no seriously, it can give me eczema) girls have told me I have baby soft skin too
2. Face wash?
3. Shampoo?
4. Moisturizer?
Nivea or Simple
5. Cologne/Perfume?
6. Deodorant/Anti-perspirant?
Whatever I stumble across first, usually rightguard.
7. Toothpaste?
Bioforce (Dentaforce toothpaste)
8. Mouthwash?
Listerine ( sometimes)
9. Razor?
Some turbo gillette plus thing ( razors with turbos? I dunno, WTF!!)
10. Shaving cream?
Noxzema ( expensive, but the best)
11. Aftershave?
I prefer the Neuman face lift to aftershave (fill a bowl with freezing cold water, then just stick your head in it, fukin wonderful!!)
Slap moisteriser (Eng) on when your still wet and I never ever towel dry, coz your just removing your natural oils ain't you...
Can I go now please, I feel sooo fukin gay after that!!

I love it.
And totally amazed you don't use soap.
You should exfoliate, shower and then do the moisturiser thing whilst still wet, that'll keep the oils in and also make it really difficult to get your pants on, so do it early sunshine ;-}
Darling, as gay as you're not... I love that you know sticking your face in freezing water at the last minute does amazing things for your pores.
Dont pretend that's not why you do it.
Thanks all fot the beauty tips!!
in the times today is the:
hey. what happened to that guy who was coming off the coke that you mentioned on here before? was a while back now i think. i was following his blog for a while but then completely lost track and lost the link. was wondering what the outcome of it all was! x
Chloe, he kept fuking up I guess.
It's really not easy at all to get off it mate, it's kinda like you have no say in the matter..
I'm sure he's ok though.
That's a shame, he sounded like he really needed to sort himself out. I've been doing it kinda regularly for couple of years now..some times go without it for a few months, normally when i go abroad so i wouldnt say im addicted cos i can have it around me and not do it without wanting it. my problem is that i always seem to end up shagging the people i get it off of! :S
Oh dear chloe, not good..
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