Oh we do like to be beside the seaside!! (Bd Part3.)
(Click any photos to enlarge, but you already know this right?)
The Grand hotel Brighton. Bombed by the IRA in 1984 and then rebuilt..
And a view of the Palace Pier
And from the Pier
Another Palace Pier view
And the ghostly looking Grade II listed West Pier which stands in ruins after two fires.
(seemingly rumour has it that the second fire was started by the owners of the Palace Pier after it was given a grant to be rebuilt by the national lottery? sshhh!! )
Sooo, Brighton was a lot of fun yesterday, we started by going for a pint (obviously!!) then we went and had fish n chips and a pot of tea (when in Rome eh!!), then a walk along the seafront, then onto the Pier and onto the amusments for a (slightly longer than anybody would have hoped for thanks!!) ride on the Waltzer, then we all staggered off the Pier feeling pretty queezy and sorta zig-zagged up and down the beach for a while till we came-around again and then went and finished the day in another pub before coming home at about 9'oclock last night. I fell into bed absolutely knackered. There really is something about sea air that just completely wipes you out!!
View of the sea from the Waltzer (before all the zoomy spinny shit started!!)
Useless information alert: Did you know right (some fairground pikey type told me this years ago) That the seats on a waltzer are angled slightly back so that all your change gets sucked out of your pockets never to be seen again? ( but collected by the attendants later on).. You have been warned!!
And my mate T, tying the knot... Brighton Stylee!!

Soo, yeah a top day out was had by all..
"So come on then Mr Cokehead, tell us about this girl for fuck's sake?"
Well , she was none of the things I had predicted (which is a good thing really) , In fact she was A. stunning B. totally a beautiful person and C. like fukin properly ouch!! Needless to say, there will be a part 4 when she returns from Portugal in just over two weeks time..
Right, I have a couple of meetings, sooo
Out the door I go..
Flight 93 transcripts
The Grand hotel Brighton. Bombed by the IRA in 1984 and then rebuilt..

Sooo, Brighton was a lot of fun yesterday, we started by going for a pint (obviously!!) then we went and had fish n chips and a pot of tea (when in Rome eh!!), then a walk along the seafront, then onto the Pier and onto the amusments for a (slightly longer than anybody would have hoped for thanks!!) ride on the Waltzer, then we all staggered off the Pier feeling pretty queezy and sorta zig-zagged up and down the beach for a while till we came-around again and then went and finished the day in another pub before coming home at about 9'oclock last night. I fell into bed absolutely knackered. There really is something about sea air that just completely wipes you out!!
View of the sea from the Waltzer (before all the zoomy spinny shit started!!)

And my mate T, tying the knot... Brighton Stylee!!

Soo, yeah a top day out was had by all..
"So come on then Mr Cokehead, tell us about this girl for fuck's sake?"
Well , she was none of the things I had predicted (which is a good thing really) , In fact she was A. stunning B. totally a beautiful person and C. like fukin properly ouch!! Needless to say, there will be a part 4 when she returns from Portugal in just over two weeks time..
Right, I have a couple of meetings, sooo
Out the door I go..
Flight 93 transcripts

spectacular photos, mate. quintessentially british. i must make it out to the english seaside.
Yeah, it rocks!!
Beautiful on the outsie, AND on the inside... Are we about to experience a different genre of writing from the London Cokehead??
Good to know you had fun, ps.. You really do take amazing pictures.
Don't know why, their just snapshots on the go..
And.. Just maybe!!
I think the closest I ever got to Brighton was Brixton. I was thinking about London yesterday when I found a napkin "bookmark" from Pret a Manger in a book I was flipping through.
i've never been to brighton either and funnily enough, im going to an art exhibition in brixton next week. random. i like the pictures too..but you dont post nearly enough!
PS..visit my new site at www.strut-it.blogspot.com
Oh, I'm sorry...I'll run an art gallery then..
well i think your pictures are good, but not that good! its nice to put the faces to the names..or the name to the faces!
Nice pix Cokehead. I will be shackin up right accross the street from the West pier. Did you happen to see the ecosystem growing on it's support beams. It made my science ecosystem side squeek with excitment It was great to see it through someone elses lens.
"Did you happen to see the ecosystem growing on it's support beams"
Err yeah...of course, would'nt have missed it for the world.
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