A non christmas thing
Sooo: Chrimbo, I've been such a bad boy.
I guess this time of year kinda fucks me up.
It's difficult when you party all year round to enter everybody else's 'once a year' party zone. It just doesn't sit properly? It's like: "What do I do? push the boat out more ( if that's actually possible? ) Or sit back and chill the fuck out?"
The latter is always the better option. I guess?
After this year, I really really can't party anymore at the mo.
I just don't feel the need too.
Had enough already... for now.
You lot carry on though. You deserve it.
I'll just listen to Radiohead thanks.
Anyway. I digress.
Words of wisdom for Christmas ( I abide by non of this by the way? )
...And it shows.
It just confuses the fuck out of me
Going to be.
Just get this and listen OK ( especially '4 minute warning' coz really, it don't get much better than this!)
Jeez Louise, whatever next?
I guess this time of year kinda fucks me up.
It's difficult when you party all year round to enter everybody else's 'once a year' party zone. It just doesn't sit properly? It's like: "What do I do? push the boat out more ( if that's actually possible? ) Or sit back and chill the fuck out?"
The latter is always the better option. I guess?
After this year, I really really can't party anymore at the mo.
I just don't feel the need too.
Had enough already... for now.
You lot carry on though. You deserve it.
I'll just listen to Radiohead thanks.
Anyway. I digress.
Words of wisdom for Christmas ( I abide by non of this by the way? )
...And it shows.
- Love your folks when they're still around ( coz if you don't you'll regret it terribly )
- Really think about what your giving people for presents.
- Enjoy yourself ( for once )
- Get all nostalgic ( it's the time of year for it... )
- If you love someone. Make a fucking effort for once. For crying out loud. Just do it. No buts eh?
- Don't worry.
- You're alive. Seemingly!
- Watch some TV ( 'It's a wonderful life' can be a good start. )
- Next year will be better.
- It always is.
- Decorate your home. 'A change is as good as a rest'
- Be happy
- pay your taxes
- Don't do drugs
- ever
- Make stuff mean stuff
- educate yourself
- the work is worth the result
- don't ever ever get involved in any sort of creative industry
- unless it's advertising
- and it pays well
- always see what you don't see
- it always. always right in front of you
- don't write anyone off
- ever
- unless they write you off first
- everybody deserves a chance
- or a second glance
- remember the saying : " What came first? The Chicken or the egg?"
- Well fuck me! evolution came first.
- I digress
It just confuses the fuck out of me
Going to be.
Just get this and listen OK ( especially '4 minute warning' coz really, it don't get much better than this!)
Jeez Louise, whatever next?