Leave it out luv !!!

Sooo , Sat nights gig was a right laugh , the lads played a really nice set and I finished engineering them at about 1am , then somebody gave me a gram of MDMA , whoops , I guess it was all game over after that . We had a boogie till the early hours but I couldn't really see a lot by that point as the world had become a little bit fluffy , the Loose Cannons came over at 4am and did an impromptu Dj set that absolutely kicked ass ...

We left the venue at 6am and got a taxi to my mate L's house , on the way home we got the cab driver to stop at a cashpoint and this old beggar women comes up to me and asks me for some change ( which I gave her ) , she then proceeded to hassle me for more , so I'm like " I've just given you all my change " but she won't stop hassling me , so again , " I've just given you all my change luv , now fuck off !!! " , she then pulls out this brolly and starts thwacking me over the head with the fukin thing , I make a hasty retreat to the taxi with my hands over my head all the time being thwacked by this little old fukin lady and her brolly . L and her mate are pissing themselves laughing at me as I launch myself into the taxi and I'm just like " Fukin drive mate !!! " , he did thank fuck . As I watched the little old lady disappear into the distance from the back window of the cab , I could see her starting on this business guy who was obviously just off to work. The last glimpse I caught as we turned the corner was the contents of his briefcase exploding everywhere as she smashed it with the brolly like some insane swordsman . What a fukin first class nutjob !!
So we gets back to L's house and me , her and her mate have a drinking contest ( whisky ) till we all pass out , gawd knows what time that was .. So , yeah , Sunday was a complete write off ..
I woke early this morning and made my way home ... Oooof , I've still got a rotten hangover !!!
Soo , Benny Scale of fuckedness = Oh easily an 850 , give or take !!
I'm just gonna chill for the rest of the day as I'm in no fit state to work ..
Ummm ,
Bye .

LOL... Mdma is sick! You get blurry?? I just get really 'loving'.... Oh an I love the 'crotchet pattern' pages for people who 'have a life' on the site...lol,funny.
Yeah , no shit you get blurry , that's some heavy stuff man !!
Weyhey the cannons ..
Is that you in the pic ?
No mate ... Sorry Roxy
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