Bit sore luv?
Hilarious: I was setting up a couple of mics for the DJ's to use last night not realising that somebody ( namely me?) had left the outside speakers on so everything the mics picked up could be heard out in the street at considerable volume.
Sooo, two hundred people cueing up outside to get into the ( not yet open ) club.
I'm outside having a cigarette.
Barmaid one and two are arranging furniture inside; having a chat.
Barmaid one: Did you take Steve home last night Emm?
Barmaid Two: Yeah but I'm never doing that again.
Barmaid one: Why not he's lovely?
Barmaid Two: He stuck his cock up my bum and it really hurt!!!
Barmaid one: Oh!
Barmaid Two: Yeah, I'm really sore!!
Barmaid one: Anything I can do?
Barmaid Two: No I'll be OK... Don't tell anyone mind you!
Barmaid one: No No I wouldn't dream of it.
Ha!! ... You just told half of fukin London you daft ninny!!
The outside cue was rather quiet at this point.
I didn't tell the barmaids... didn't wanna spoil the fun
Right... Taking Bibi out for Sunday Lunch
Gorden Brown... you're a fukin pussy mate. Stand up and be counted!!!
Sooo, two hundred people cueing up outside to get into the ( not yet open ) club.
I'm outside having a cigarette.
Barmaid one and two are arranging furniture inside; having a chat.
Barmaid one: Did you take Steve home last night Emm?
Barmaid Two: Yeah but I'm never doing that again.
Barmaid one: Why not he's lovely?
Barmaid Two: He stuck his cock up my bum and it really hurt!!!
Barmaid one: Oh!
Barmaid Two: Yeah, I'm really sore!!
Barmaid one: Anything I can do?
Barmaid Two: No I'll be OK... Don't tell anyone mind you!
Barmaid one: No No I wouldn't dream of it.
Ha!! ... You just told half of fukin London you daft ninny!!
The outside cue was rather quiet at this point.
I didn't tell the barmaids... didn't wanna spoil the fun
Right... Taking Bibi out for Sunday Lunch
Gorden Brown... you're a fukin pussy mate. Stand up and be counted!!!

Great stuff!
A poke in the back-door is a failsafe way of making sure you're remembered.
Maybe you should leave the mic on more often!
Yep, maybe I should make it a permanent venue feature?
bouncer needs his own mic.
Steve was clearly doing it wrong, the right approach, the right amount of slippy stuff and nobody has to make anybody go "Ouch"
Yes.. well... Lippy
now who has preconceived ideas about people????????
She needn't worry. Steve's told everyone already.
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