Not really, I actually can't be arsed to write anything today
and that's about the size of that
so there
bugger off
The lack of comments is pissing me off
500 readers a day and you all have fuck all to say
This just truly rocks;..
run away!!
Not really, I actually can't be arsed to write anything today
and that's about the size of that
so there
bugger off
The lack of comments is pissing me off
500 readers a day and you all have fuck all to say
This just truly rocks;..
run away!!

Well, actually, it's just me reading the same thing 499 times and still not having an interesting comment to make!
suggestions for more comments:
- change the comment link back to "add comment" instead of the Monty Python joke which is a bit overdone now to be honest isn't it?
- email everyone who writes a comment for the first time Noah Kagan at does it and i really works - check out his comments
- put obvious hooks like "what do you think?" etc at the end of posts
- do a monthly thing where people can write questions in the comments and you answer them like
loving your work
That's because my life always seems so boring in comparison. Great Blog btw.
"Fuck all" says I!
Is it not enough that I'm still here?
You're getting better each day.
Excuuuuse me, if you left ME a comment once in a while I might not get so bored of leaving them for you and getting no response. Jeeeez, you got your period or something?
"Excuuuuse me, if you left ME a comment once in a while I might not get so bored of leaving them for you and getting no response. Jeeeez, you got your period or something? "
I concur.
Blogging is a give and take sport...not to be confused with bumming.
It's because we like lurking...and I can never think of anything vaguely intelligent to say ;) x
I honestly thought in the great tradition of rock and roll you couldn't give a fuck what anyone else would have to comment about your life! Although I have written a couple of unanswered comments back in the day...
Very much enjoy your blog. I only check about three regularly. And this is one.
You cut through the crap amazingly well, and if you weren't a Sound man you should be a writer.
I work in the same industry so I love the stories. Still trying to guess where your venue is and where the new venue is. But I think I have now worked out who the live band is...from checking various Festival line ups.
See, bet you wished you'd never asked now...
aye, i've got fuckall to say too...
If I had something to say, I'd write my own blog..
Been travelling!
That little social experiment worked.
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