The Shiniest Glitter ball in all the land !!!
There you go ... Shiny shiny , sparkle sparkle ... Sooo beautiful in all its polished, lustrous , effulgent , scintillating , resplendent glory and shit !!!
And look , it even matches the moon thingy !!!

Sooo, last night the club was mobbed again , in fact so mobbed that it became too much to even walk around , so I just hung out in the back office , drank JD and coke and watched the clock go around ( slowly !! ) ..
I find it impossible to speak to people with the club system belting out in the background , so nowadays I don't even bother , if people wanna talk to me , they know where I am and usually they find me about 1am when their too pissed to hold a decent conversation anyway , so I just stay the fuck out of the way ... My BBC mate J did turn up at 1:30 though which was nice , he was stone cold sober ( which was nicer ) and we sat and had a chat about the pros and cons of directing game shows for the BBC ( which is what he does ) and that was kinda interesting ...
So what's in store for the weekend ... Don't really know to be honest , there's a million and one places I could go , but you know what .. I can't be bothered. I've been out working in clubs and venues soo much this week that I actually don't wanna go anywhere remotely associated with the entertainments industry , I'd rather sit in a pub and get pissed .. Little Mistress is stuck out in the home counties as her train line is being repaired or serviced or something , soo , what too do ???
Ummm ..
Think I'll go for lunch and think about it ...
Oh and , are you lot still going on about this ... You really are kicking yourselves in the balls here chaps , your only setting up ( and justifying to the uninformed ) Iran to be invaded .. Stupid stupid , you really can't see the conspiracy for the trees can you .. Oh well , March the 30th people ... That's all I have to say about that !!!
Listening to : 10cc ' Dreadlock holiday ' , I don't really have to say anthing about this tune really , do I ..
Right , food ...
Laters ..
And look , it even matches the moon thingy !!!

Sooo, last night the club was mobbed again , in fact so mobbed that it became too much to even walk around , so I just hung out in the back office , drank JD and coke and watched the clock go around ( slowly !! ) ..
I find it impossible to speak to people with the club system belting out in the background , so nowadays I don't even bother , if people wanna talk to me , they know where I am and usually they find me about 1am when their too pissed to hold a decent conversation anyway , so I just stay the fuck out of the way ... My BBC mate J did turn up at 1:30 though which was nice , he was stone cold sober ( which was nicer ) and we sat and had a chat about the pros and cons of directing game shows for the BBC ( which is what he does ) and that was kinda interesting ...
So what's in store for the weekend ... Don't really know to be honest , there's a million and one places I could go , but you know what .. I can't be bothered. I've been out working in clubs and venues soo much this week that I actually don't wanna go anywhere remotely associated with the entertainments industry , I'd rather sit in a pub and get pissed .. Little Mistress is stuck out in the home counties as her train line is being repaired or serviced or something , soo , what too do ???
Ummm ..
Think I'll go for lunch and think about it ...
Oh and , are you lot still going on about this ... You really are kicking yourselves in the balls here chaps , your only setting up ( and justifying to the uninformed ) Iran to be invaded .. Stupid stupid , you really can't see the conspiracy for the trees can you .. Oh well , March the 30th people ... That's all I have to say about that !!!
Listening to : 10cc ' Dreadlock holiday ' , I don't really have to say anthing about this tune really , do I ..
Right , food ...
Laters ..

Ball looks fuckin hot!! U need to give details... so we can come join the mob!!
hey please visit my blog. only just set it up. its at help me find outfits for events such as 'chavvy night out in wrong part of town' please check it out, you might like it. thanks x
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