Pedal to the metal?
Sooo: Am I an adrenaline junkie, an addict or a complete fukin loonie tune? I can't work it out, is there something really missing from my life, or do I just want more.
The reason I ask is that I took my Calibra out tonight and negotiated the back streets of London at 100mph plus.
Just because I felt the need to .
It was 5am, so no real danger to anyone but myself. Total rush, but... totally stupid to be honest, I came home shaking with adrenalin, yet strangely satisfied.
What a rush though.
Oh dear, oh dear indeedy.
The reason I ask is that I took my Calibra out tonight and negotiated the back streets of London at 100mph plus.
Just because I felt the need to .
It was 5am, so no real danger to anyone but myself. Total rush, but... totally stupid to be honest, I came home shaking with adrenalin, yet strangely satisfied.
- The Cali kicks ass.
- I'm probably lucky to be alive
- I'm an idiot
- I should buy a racing car and go fukin racing.
- I like to have a bit of fun.
- I'm strangely dissatisfied with life in general?
- I should have lost my license.
- It felt sooo fuking good!
What a rush though.
Oh dear, oh dear indeedy.

You are expecting me to say something tut tutting and judgemental. Tough luck.
It's the same reason I ride horses fast over large jumps, knowing the thing only holds together for as long as the horse believes I'm in control.
And sail boats - it's the same rush when a big wind hits a sail and nearly sends the boat over.
I don't get cars - the rush it at too much of a distance, no immediate "wind in your face" effect.
But I'm guessing for you it's the same deal.
Quite a few people do this. If knowing this won't save your life, though.
You're a fucking idiot, but there again, so am I...
I heartily recommend a bicycle, I horse it all over London, drunk, high etc, it's amazing fun, cheaper, a lot safer (on other folk, natch) and serves the exact same purpose.
Keeps you fit, too (the cycling, not the drugs and booze), which is always a bonus...
stay safe
reading off my iPhone. Great read by the way .
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