Paradise lost ...and then found again!
Sooo, bit of a weekend that one, where do I start? Well Fridays gig was fun, great venue, great sound system ( Turbosound Aspect) good crowd, rocked it really. Met up with the girls, they turned out to be complete nutters, so I just went home in a cab with them and got the cab to drop me off at my place alone, then went to bed.
Anyway, I woke up Sat and thought "Right fuck it I'm going out out" ... And I did. Called my mate P (futures broker) P was buzzing around in some old Porsche that he's been restoring and he came and picked me up, we flew round the town for a bit, took the car home, went to see the dealer, then descended on Kensal Rise to watch the FA cup final ( fukin lame match by the way!!?)
There's great debate going on in 'The Rise' at the moment because the Paradise Pub ( one of my all time favorite pubs ) has been sold to some guy who used to work for Fabric nightclub. We all think he's gonna close the Pub down and gut it's interior ( in fact, we know he is??) This would be such a shame, cos it's the interior that kinda makes it what it is, a designer dive. But, what can you do? Time marches on, everything changes, blah blah blah!!
I digress!
So, we're all sat in the Regent pub ( cos we're boycotting the Paradise ) getting pissed, having a laugh etc. etc. when this blond girly comes over and sits next to me and she's like " You look exactly like some guy who used to teach me?" To which I reply: " I am the guy who used to teach you kid!" ( I used to lecture Music Technology for a while at a City Uni, absolutely hated it!!)
Anyway we start chatting on about stuff and this girl is hot, lovely figure! We're both flirting big time when... The fukin DJ starts his evening set at full volume and suddenly nobody can understand a word that anyone else is saying??
We go outside, I get chatting to some other mates and she starts to chat to three blokes that I thought she had arrived with. All good I guess?
The night goes on and I keep catching this girls eye and she's looking a bit stressed coz these three guys are fukin all over her and you can tell she's not the least bit happy about it, in fact, she looks completely hastled.
It's closing time and we all go off to a mate (H's ) house party, this girl tags along, complete with the three fukin stooges who are basically fighting for her affections. She looks even more hastled poor girl. We're standing in the kitchen drinking vodka, talking shit and I ( no idea why? ) just march up to the girly(L) pull her out of the way and announce " Sooo, have you met my girlfriend then??" and then stuck the lips on her?
We were still snogging three hours later, much to the dismay of the three pack animals who were trying to hunt her down.
Ha!! You lose!
I went back to her place and rolled around...a lot.
Sunday I left L and went home via the pub. I stumbled in at about 9pm and just wiped out.
Sooo, good weekend? I think so. I have L's number as well..Bonus!
I sent her a text last night " L, although an outstanding student, would definitely benefit some extra 1 to 1 tuition".
I won't tell you what she wrote back!
Tee hee!!
Sooo, Benny scale of fuckedness = Oh I'd say an 820 + another 20 for the snog!
Oh nooo!! Even more nanny state crap, listen Police people, you do your job, and let us do ours thanks?? This will make great air rifle fodder if nothing else though!
Superb frequency chart for anyone thinking of being a sound engineer, yes you do have to know all of this shit to be good at it. No excuses!
And... useless facts for Mondays ( or any other day of the week really )

Sounds like you've found your Sunday Girl :)
Hmm, maybe!
That chart is sweet. It's like the one in the old yahaha handbook, but cooler.
Wow, I've learned some weird stuff today.
Changing my name to Julius Caeser!
Err which is nice?
hahaha, smoothboy!
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