Get off my mix you twat!!

Sooo, back from my trip to Germany with the band, ok gig really, the band had trouble hearing themselves (seperate on-stage monitor desk, nothing to do with me ) and I had trouble from 1. the fukin dickhead in-house sound engineer who thought he could jump all over my mix when I wasn't watching?? I nearly jumped all over him at one fukin point!!! Every time I turned it up, he'd turn it down again?? And at one point he was trying to re-eq a guitar that was actually on the backing track... Fukin fool!I wouldn't care, but the band on before us (that he'd enginneered) sounded totally pony. I hate people like this, they get my back right up, it's just fukin rude to jump on somebody else's mix, even if you do think you can do a better job, I heard many many live mixes of bands that I've thought I could do a much better job of, but I would never dream of interfering...ever! Bloody Germans.
2. The sound system was one of these new compact line array systems, which are basically lots and lots of little speakers hung in rows angled at various intervals to give better audience coverage, bit like in this pic. Personally I think they are ok for acoustic stuff, but for anything that needs a bit of welly, I just don't think they cut the mustard. You can tell me all you want that 100 10inch mini bass speakers on the floor sound just as good as they huge bins I'm used to, but you can also tell that to the girl sitting on them all the way through the gig chatting to her mate? Usually (with the big bins) she'd have been throwing up cocktail all over her pretty little dress, just from the vibrations?? Go figure!
Nope, not impressed with that technology at all, it could have sounded way better, never mind!
What else? Oh yes, airport security... It's a complete fukin joke!
And I mean a complete fukin joke!
Sooo, we arrived at the airport at like 4.30 in the morning to get a 7.20 flight and once we got through the security checks, we had about 15mins left before we boarded the plane, fukin absolutely crazy!! One of the guys in the band had his wash kit confiscated?? I mean what's he gonna do? Groom the fukin pilot to death! I even saw one 80 year old woman having to give up her prescription cream? What the fuck is going on in this country!! Proper fukin joke. I was ok coz I'd put my bag in the hold and therefore had no hand luggage but they still took my bloody lighter from me, which is made all the more stupid coz I just went and bought another one in the friggin duty free shop??
If that's what the airport security is like at 6.30 in the morning, I'd hate to think what it's like at fukin midday!! There was even a woman screaming coz her flight had taken off while she'd been queuing to be searched...what the fuck is that about? Total joke, and then some! On the way back from Germany it took about 5 mins, so why the fuck are we having to put up with this shit in England!! Not good Tony Blair, not good at all!
Although they are about to change liquid laws so you can take 100ml bottles onto the plane with you, which is nice, apart from the fact that nothing actually comes in fukin 100ml bottles??
I'm having the day off to recharge my batteries and then I'm doing a couple of bands in Central London tomorrow night. Sweedey girls coming to stay for a couple of days as well this week, so I'm gonna have a naughty day fooling around in bed with her at some point...woohoo! All good.
Ok, I think I need a cup of tea.

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