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Thursday, January 11, 2007


They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone...

Sing along now:

They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone, They've gone...

Yep, the Eastern Europeans did a 5 0'clock ( in the morning ) flit last night and they've gone for good. Good fukin riddance to ya is all I can say!

The landlady's going ape shit coz they owe her a years rent (approx £10,000) , but to be honest, she's better having somebody living there who'll pay rent now, than these fuckers who just weren't paying anything.

Cut your losses and move on I say, if it was my flat, I'd have had them out months ago.

They've taken their 3 dodgy motors from the driveway and the place no longer looks like a sodding scrapyard.

I swear the house actually gave me a little smile this morning as I was coming through the front door. It all seems strangely calm on the Western front.


On another plus note, me and my mate C did a blinding track in the studio the other day, it was one of those 'once in a blue moon' anthems that you occasionally write, just when you're not expecting it.

All good

All good indeedy



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't find a way to email you on this fucking thing, so I'm leaving you a message here. Short and sweet, there's a band from New York landing in London next week for three gigs and a video shoot. You should definately check them out, like 'em or throw beer at 'em, either way, you'll have a good time. In case you're wondering, I'm the idiot following them around with a camera. So maybe you'll want to throw something at me too. Here are the details-

music and general info:

Gig schedule:
Wed. Jan 17th – Bar Rumba. 36 Shaftesbury Ave, London W1.
GoodFinger - Load In 4.30pm, Sound Check - 5.00pm, Stage Time - 10.30pm
The Rifts - Load In - 5.00pm, Sound Check - 5.30pm, Stage Time - 9.45pm
Share b/line with the Rifts
Fri. Jan 19th - The MacBeth 70 Hoxton St. London N1
Details TBA
Sat. Jan 20th - Bedford Boys Club Bedford (30 miles north of London).

email me at if you're pissed or have any questions.

5:46 am  
Blogger Cind said...

Is that all of the fuckers gone then or what?
I tell you what, my son would love your landlady if she let him run up rent arrears like that ;-}

6:44 pm  
Blogger The Lettershaper said...

Great, great stuff here...very much enjoyed my stay. May I link to you?

4:16 am  
Blogger Doom/Blondie said...



need a video?

5:50 am  
Blogger london cokehead said...

Annon: i'll try and come to one

Cind: lol

Hammer tong person: You may link all you like. Thanks

Doom: May be an idea, but we really don't have the budget for it at the moment mate.

3:57 pm  

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