Lounge on the Farm
Lounge Pig!
I have finally returned from sunny Canterbury after staying for a festival, a short summer holiday and a bit of a snog!
Had to go straight from the train to the club yesterday and only got back to my own place at 6 this morning?
Soo, what was is like then? Well I arrived last Friday as they were setting up the main festival stage, my initial impressions were kinda "Fuck...it's in a fukin cow shed"
Main stage (click pics to enlarge!)
Cowshed: Shed for keeping moo cows, not particularly good in the old acoustic department (coz it's designed for keeping cows), bit big, bit dark, bit dingy, bit err...cow smelly!
But... because it was soo fukin hot, it actually worked out really well as a 'retreat from the heat' and there were some pretty good bands playing, so I enjoyed myself.
Friday was spent ironing out some awful electrical problems as the promoters had been stupidly told that they could use the barm power supply. Errr...noooo!! Every time we powered up the rig, the whole thing would just trip out the electrics...nightmare!
Note to festival promoters: Never use on site electrics. You're just asking for trouble. Always hire a fukin generator...Always!!
So we finally ironed out the electrics at like 1pam (by hiring a generator) and then I went to bed under the mixing desk in the main stage FOH tower, where I kinda spent the whole weekend!
See it's not all glamour you know!! I made a little house between the desk and the outboard, kinda cool, plus it guarantees that your up and running before the bands arrive..
Festival people kinda sleep when and where they can, that's how I met the lovely Swedish girl (J), she was looking after the barn bar and was therefore sleeping on a mattress, on top of the beer barrels, guarding the spirits fridge (as one does?)
Ok, up early sat for a very long day of bands.
Sunday was much more relaxed and the bands (up to a point) were really chilled, mello, and exceptionally talented. Plus it was red hot. A very memorable day that one, very nice!
Life's kinda built for days like that.
Soooo, come Sunday night, I finally got to look around the rest of the festival. Really nice site this one, you had: three more stages for various acts, the usual hippy types selling various hippy goods and some of the best festival food I've ever seen, you're talking Indian and Jamaican and a full fukin Hog roast with stuffing and apple sauce...absolutely fukin delicious (I'm still drooling at the thought)
Ok, sooo... On my return to the main stage, I find that half the equipment has been broken down already, including my fukin tower house. Fuck! evicted?
Obviously I hadn't paid the bills or something???
Right, so me and the Swedish girl (J) did the only thing that can be done when evicted from your festival house on a Sunday night...
We built a fukin new one!
Like this:
With a pig front door, and a cow back door!
Superb bit of architecture I think you will find!!
Good way to start a relationship methinks. Yep, dispense with all the courting, dating and other boring shit... just build a house and move straight in with the hot Swedish girl you found sleeping on beer barrels in the back garden!
And why the fuck not!!
Sooo, we were rudely awoken Monday morning by the Russian neighbours at 5am who had been employed by the farmer to clean the site?? Bit surreal that one, but...there's a lot of it about at the moment!
Monday: Monday there was a trip into town for supplies and then a huge (feeding the festival workers) continental breakfast in the barn.
Then we did what any festival workers would have done with a bar full of 'Sale or return' alchohol: We finished off all the booze that couldn't be returned. That's like, all the opened sprits, damaged labels, loose cans, opened crates etc. etc. etc.
All thown down with a large quantity of home-grown Canterbury weed!
At 3pm, the bar kinda looked like this:
Bearing in mind that that bars like 30 meters long: I think we did rather fukin well.
We were all fukin sloshed to pieces!
And then some!
And then the rest of the week was spent with the lovely Swedish J and the festival promoter S in Canterbury in various beer gardens soaking up the sunshine and generally having a very nice time.
I have returned super relaxed and rather chilled out.
Won't last in London though!
Swedish J's coming to see me soon, so I'll look forward to that.
They certainly make em cuddly in Sweden, I can tell you.
Fuck this is a long post.
Festval highlights: The promoter S on an IV drip Sunday afternoon after no sleep or food for 3 days...Woops!!
Right, I have washing to do and food shopping and a swift pint down the pub to catch up with the locals...
Bit of post World cup fun made me laugh this one!
Technorati Tags: music, farm, festival, bands, cows, pig roast, swedish

I'm bleedin' knackered now and I only read it.
And I didn't do very well in the game either.
Well done Cind...I've only really written half of what happened down as well!!
and what you've written down if probably only half of what you can remember.
which I hope is mostly swedish. go fish.
Hmmm here fishy fishy!
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