Testing time

Sooo, I gave in on the Sasha thing, the venue manager wasn't going for it and I was sick of banging my head off the wall. Talk about missed opportunity. Jeez louise, this guy needs a serious kick in the who's who in the world of clubbing pants?
Bad venue skillz.
London's cooling down so I may boot the studio back up later on. Today I've been sorting bank stuff out for the label and then I went shopping for my Niece's birthday prezzy.
Funny really, I'm stood in the queue in Waterstones (book shop) and the till guy's taking ages to get anything done, you know the type; slow, student, goth, nurrrrhead.
Anyway, as I'm standing I see this book titled "British citizenship test study guide" Sooo I pick it up and start to read it for a laugh, "Yeah, I'm British, walk in the park that shit!"
Fuck me, If I took that test today I would be booted out of the country faster than you can say: "Two cream teas and a butterd scone plea......." Thwack!!
"OUT! And don't fukin come back!"
Sample questions
1.In the 16th and 17th centuries, who came to Britain from France to escape political persecution?
Errrr...Some French people with like, errr baguettes and shit?
2.What is the name and the date of the National Day of Wales?
Errrr... National like, Leek day fest thing with errr dragons and stuff, oh! And valleys, yeah that's it Valleyday. No, no, got it, it's that bloke, yeah it's Tom Jones day?
3. What is the population of Scotland?
Oh yeah, know this one... 3 no! 5...and a half?, can I have a clue please?
4.When did Britain join the European Economic Community?
Oh gawd... I donno, what the fuck, fukin Christmas, Santa Claus, no Rudolf...Tinsel.
Oh bollocks, just kick me out, I give in!!
Glad I live here already eh!
Ok, my version:
1. If you spill somebody's pint, what'll 'appen?
2. What's a spuggy?
3. Name five commonly used British swear words?
4. Eastern European people come to the U.K. for what reason? expound in 200 words or less!
5. Maggie Thatcher Out, Out, Out! Define?
6. How much is a gramme of Charlie ( Northern England...Speed or 2 pills?)
7. Explain the following words: Shag, Slag, Geezer, Twat! and Rozzer
8. What is a plank?
There, and that's that!
So Steven Hawking is writing a childrens book , should be kinda fun eh?
Sooo, they all lived happily ever after in a non-spacelike geodesic that is only finitely extendible into the past!!
The Karate kid does his thing!
And last but not least... Just cancel the fukin account mate??? Your complete guide to 'Won't take no for an answer' school of business.

true fucking story! i'm an american--lived here all my life--and i couldn't pass the u.s. citizenship test if my balls depended on it! btw, what in hell is a spuggy? things i should know...
A spuggy is a Sparrow!
Did you blog this post whilst high ! read at a very fast pace from where i am sitting !
No, I never write when I'm high!
OK i was wrong ne mind, fancy some filthy sex ! Mmmmm bet your even better than i imagine you to be. P.S read this then delete it dont want everyone knowing about my wank material !!
Holy Moly !! blushing
Am i wrecked or is it a figure of my imagination, that when i click blog pro on your side bar it takes you right into my blog settings ? that cant be right ??
Yeah, go on then...
you didnt answer my question ! your site links right into my fucking settings
That's coz your signed in to Dashboard gwarl. It links to mine if I'm signed in or my mates if he's signed in. I'm not hacking you babe, don't worry your little ass.
In other words, it's just a link to Blogger, the Pro thing is a retro throwback to the days before Google bought Blogger.
interesting small talk guys... shall i just leave you to it?
Yeah Ive seen that test... Its fucking ridiculous!!
hi...any interest to link up with an asian gal?
Err Princess... what was that?
I just checked you blog and its pretty cool.. and wasnt porn as I first thought...
But you really shouldnt advertise yourself like that. :)
No, really..you should!!
i'd like the answers to your test... good one tho.
i'm an american and couldn't pass our test either.
TO TILDA: well...so sorry to disappoint you that my blog wasn't any porn blog..well..link up means linking our blogs, telling tat i am asian is to make sure tat there is no racist problem..pls do not jump to conclusion
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