Pigeon's are twats ...
Sooo , The club I run open's again tonight , and I'm supposed to be there , but i'm not cos i'm just too knackered , so i've sent santa's little helper off to do my job instead !! .. Still can't believe I shagged the singer ( mate ) , she's been on the phone today , " so how's it going with MY album " , your fukin album mate , you've like done guest BV's on one fukin track for crying out loud !!!! .. " yeah I think we should maybe's put more vocal on this bit and a bit more guitar on that bit and get rid of that guy on track nine , cos I can come and re-sing it for you " , Arrrrr !!! . Never !, ever ! , ever ! , EVER !! shag the fukin talent mate , I'm now doomed for a life of backseat record production from a half decent session singer with delusion's of grandeur , and all over a sympathy fuck for Fuck's sake !! , and she sucked in bed ( no , actually she did !! ) ... Help !!! .. Oh dear , full moon tomorrow night , the freaks will be out ... A word of warning to all , NEVER go near Portobello road when it's a full moon , I know I lived there for a few years , and it can get seriously freaky , there's a lay line that runs right down the middle, what with that and the crack problem down there No ! No ! No ! ...
A pigeon shit on my head today ..... Cunt !!! , Fukin vermin twat !!!! ...
I've probably caught toxoplasmosis of the fukin brain now !!! , could easily happen you know, especially if the pigeon has recently eaten ( not more than a week ago in the worst case scenario ..), a toxoplasmosis infected cat !!! Yeah man it happens , I know these things ...
Conclusion : Pigeons are twats...
Sooo I might actually stay in tomorro night ... ( what !!! what !!! , was that me , who the fuck said that ?? )...
No , to be honest , I done so much shit this week , that I just feel the need to be by myself and watch some TV , read a book , wash my hair, even do some knitting . NAAAAA !!! , FUCK THAT , i'm meeting some lady friends and were getting fucked up man Tee Hee !!. Freaks or no freaks I'm out o here ......
Eating : Pasta a la carbonara a la Me !!
Listening to : The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars ( and why not ) , I have some of the early demo's ... I hate Bowies later work ( OK , OK , no throwing bottle's from the back please i'm fukin really fragile !!!! ) , this shit rocks like a big shittty rock thing ( from Mars ) , a big fat fukin martian shitty rock spider thinggymabobbly ...
From Mars ...
Allrighty ....
Skin up ...
A pigeon shit on my head today ..... Cunt !!! , Fukin vermin twat !!!! ...
I've probably caught toxoplasmosis of the fukin brain now !!! , could easily happen you know, especially if the pigeon has recently eaten ( not more than a week ago in the worst case scenario ..), a toxoplasmosis infected cat !!! Yeah man it happens , I know these things ...
Conclusion : Pigeons are twats...
Sooo I might actually stay in tomorro night ... ( what !!! what !!! , was that me , who the fuck said that ?? )...
No , to be honest , I done so much shit this week , that I just feel the need to be by myself and watch some TV , read a book , wash my hair, even do some knitting . NAAAAA !!! , FUCK THAT , i'm meeting some lady friends and were getting fucked up man Tee Hee !!. Freaks or no freaks I'm out o here ......
Eating : Pasta a la carbonara a la Me !!
Listening to : The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars ( and why not ) , I have some of the early demo's ... I hate Bowies later work ( OK , OK , no throwing bottle's from the back please i'm fukin really fragile !!!! ) , this shit rocks like a big shittty rock thing ( from Mars ) , a big fat fukin martian shitty rock spider thinggymabobbly ...
From Mars ...
Allrighty ....
Skin up ...

Hey man, my Mom always told me it was good luck if a bird shat on you - and even better luck if it shat on your head....But I guess she never lived in London. At least it wasn't a fuckin sea gull - I had that an it stinks like fishy death - those fuckers feed at land fill sites.
PS - cool blog, have linked to you
i LOVE carbonara!.
Bacon, mmmmm....bacon....mmmmm...and eggs.
Bacon's hot.mmmm....makin' bacon on the beach.
and my friend says, "yeah, pigeons ARE twats!"
one shit on me once and i swear, it was like rocks falling from heaven, onto my head, my shoulders... fucking pigeons.
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