Stupid stuff that's happened over the last few nights !
Sooo , What the fuck was I going on about last night ?? .. Guess I was kinda tired eh !!
Anyway ... Stupid stuff that's happened over the last few nights !
Fukin long week though ... Still, all good really ..
Right , I have a club to run so I'm out of the door ... Bye .
Anyway ... Stupid stuff that's happened over the last few nights !
- This doughnut DJ who decided that he wanted to play from the stage as he couldn't be seen well enough in the DJ box ... Fukin Pleeeaasse .. Talk about fukin vein .. Anyway we set him up on stage just to shut him up and I tell him to watch all the cables lying about .. Halfway through his set he stands on the lead from the smoke machine and yanks it from it's mooring on the light frame , it crashes down through the rafters , lands on his head and knocks the fucker right out..... HA !! , that'll teach you .. Completely fucked the smoke machine ... Nevermind , he gets the bill !!
- One of the twats in this really shit, amateur fukin band who tried to hit me with a mic stand cos he couldn't hear his vocals on stage throughout his gig .. The reason for this tit brain is that you couldn't hear your vocals because your "guitar amp was turned up full fukin blast " .. No No No !! , if you turn your guitar amp up full it is guaranteed to sound shit and nobody will be able to hear anything else !! It was even drowning out the drummer ( which is really saying something !! ) .. Needless to say trying to hit me with a mic stand when I'm tired and moody ... Bad fukin idea !!! ... Lucky for you that the security saw it all and threw you out or I would have been inclined to wrap the fukin guitar I had in my hand ( your guitar by the way mate ) around your fukin head !! I've still got the guitar in the club , and you don't get it back till you A. apologies and B. return the vocal mic you knicked as you were being thown out ... Fukin bands , big fukin children who like to spit their dummies out of the pram ...
- The girl making a big entrance down the club stairs who slipped ( in her four inch heels ) and landed right on her arse ... She then started to cry ... I'm sorry that we were laughing sooo hard we couldn't give you the sympathy you deserved but it was kinda funny luv !!
- The fire juggler bloke ( outside of the club ) who lost control of his " fireballs on a string thingy " and set himself alight ... Yes well , okey dokey !! .. Quote of the night " O it's fine I do it all the time " , Jeez , mate , don't you think it's maybe time you found another hobbie to persue ?
- And the grand prize goes too ...The pissed bird who tried to snog me in the bar ... I moved out of the way and she ended up sticking the lips on the cigarette machine , silly moo ... Yes , well , what can you do ?
Fukin long week though ... Still, all good really ..
Right , I have a club to run so I'm out of the door ... Bye .

Hi, I am new at this and I’ve been blog surfing for the latest information on ##keyword## and landed on your blog. Obviously I ended up off track somewhere, but I'm certainly glad that I did! I had no idea there are so many neat sites out here. I think my kids were born knowing how to operate computers… but not me! Would you mind if I link to your blog from my "favorites" page?
Help yourself ...
" I've got a penis size site. It's about penis size related info. " .... Ha !! Some fukin people !!
That ones immune from deletion I'm afraid ...
wow, I want to see this penis size site.. ahh HA HA HA.
oh and I also want to come to your club. and laugh at girls teetering off their heels. (okay I do that all the time anyways, but.. I want to do it internationally. uh.)
coke head,
turn the comment filter on baby!
Yeah .. But if I turn the filter thingy on , nobody comments .. I even find it a pain in the arse too comment myself on my own blogg !!
And Paige dearest , if your ever in London dear , your more than welcome to pop along !!
In fact your all invited , lets have a big paaarty thing going on and stuff !!
Ha ha , some people eh !! , If you don't like my blogg then theres a really simple solution , don't fukin read it mate ... And as for death threats , Please leave it out ..
When you old enough to visit a nightclub then come and see me ... Please , I luv a ruk !!
Cheers ..
Sweet Jesus.
No shit .. Sweet jesus ?
Oh and friendlyguy1212 person .. I can already play flamenco guitar, I've been learning for the best part of twenty years ( so I'm kinda Ok ) but thanks anyway !!
What an evening! The girl who fell...oh, I'm glad I haven't had that experience! I think I would've laughed along with my audience though, kind of gone along with the moment to diminish its severity a bit. ;)
I think your typical day would offer too much stress for this home body. :)
Oh hey Tara .. How you doin Baby Girl ?
It didn't all happen in on day babe , it was over the space of a week ..
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