Me/You ( A Sociological , cross-referenced , cross-cultural study of two modern day events in pictures. )
Fig A ...
Modern day London nightlife ( from behind the mixing desk ). Sat 23rd July 2005 ( 1:20 am GMT ) ..
Note: The scantily clad female species , gyrating and cavorting to a popular dance record of the times ..
This appears to be : A . Fun , B . Aesthetically pleasing to the eye , C . Again , Fun ..

Fig B ...
The aftermath of just another day in Iraq ( circa 2004 ) ..
Note the expression of pain in the subjects face ..
This appears to be : A . Not fun . B . Not right , C. Not at all aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Fig C ...
The message that fig B , may give to our children .. Well , sort of ..
Modern day London nightlife ( from behind the mixing desk ). Sat 23rd July 2005 ( 1:20 am GMT ) ..
Note: The scantily clad female species , gyrating and cavorting to a popular dance record of the times ..
This appears to be : A . Fun , B . Aesthetically pleasing to the eye , C . Again , Fun ..

Fig B ...
The aftermath of just another day in Iraq ( circa 2004 ) ..
Note the expression of pain in the subjects face ..
This appears to be : A . Not fun . B . Not right , C. Not at all aesthetically pleasing to the eye.

Fig C ...
The message that fig B , may give to our children .. Well , sort of ..

Hey, you know what - I'm gonna have to come to your club one saturday night.
It's up town right?
Any clues as to which one it is?
Put me on the Guest List as "Lord of Doom" and I'll turn up and buy you a drink.
ah ha ha ha ha!!
What cat?
That cat is fucking hilarious. Nice. The cops shot is pretty twisted, tho.
the lowly rag.
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